Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Super Naruto game

Naruto Uzumaki is the main character of this story. He is a ninja from the village of Konoha. Naruto is characterized as a ninja who is full of surprises,cheerful , passionate, hyperactive,naive, clumsy, and very ambitious in reaching his goal to become the strongest ninja in Konoha. In Naruto's body, sealed a monster nine-tailed fox that had attacked and nearly destroyed the village of Konohagakure seal was made by his father Yondaime (Minato Namikaze) hokage 4 that caused the death of his father. Because the monster is in his body that was, he was shunned by the villagers in her childhood until she was determined to prove to the people in Konoha that he would become Hokage so he could be recognized in the village, as well as a target of ninja-ninja who wanted power Kyuubi, the fox nine tails.

Instruction download:

1-Go here http://bit.ly/1aLsSnA
2-Complete a Survey
3-Download the Naruto Game file there
4-In the Naruto Game file you will find Direct download link for the game and installation instruction.

How to Download Naruto-game.docx file instructions

See also the video on how to complete a survey in 13 seconds

System requirements: 
Processor: Core2Duo Core2Quad i3 i5 i7 AMD Phenom II 
Video Card: Nvidia or Radeon 256 mb Memory: 1 GB or higher.
Operating System: XP/Vista/7
Hard disk space: 2,3 GB DirectX9 or higher


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